As our very first blogging assignment, we were asked what federally funded program(s) could be reduced or even eliminated as well as a program(s) that should be enhanced or maintained.
When I first heard this question I was unprepared for thousands and thousands of programs that exist within our government. American Government did not prepare me for this particular google search. Scrolling down the list there were so many programs that seemed morally wrong to cut, i.e. Maternal and Child Health Care and Missing Child Assistance. I mean, who could possibly cut those and not have the wrath of Hades thrust upon them instantly. And the list just goes on and on making this decision almost impossible.
So now I have this incredibly hard task of putting a program on the chopping block. To add some fun into this overwhelming task, I decided to scroll quickly and blindly pick a program that I could potentially wain. These are my results. The potential programs I could cut are: Middle Easter Partnership Initiative, Refugee Assistance and State Children's insurance. It's not looking good. Each of these programs has a vital part of our economy, political ties and our future intertwined into it. Even when the programs like the Special Apple Program, which assists farmers who are suffering from a failing economy is deeply rooted into our way of life. As a city girl my first thought is to cut the farming programs. Out of sight out of mind. I would have no problem telling some potato farmer in Idaho that Uncle Sam is tightening his purse strings until all produce prices rise making it impossible to eat my good ole southern mashed potatoes without selling a kidney to go to Kroger. So after hours of contemplating and pestering my roommates, parents and friends about what solutions they had for these programs I came up with the Umbrella Initiative. This idea would take 1% from each program and will be set aside for the second part of my assignment.
Now with my little Federal Trust Fund set up, I can enhance the programs that firstly will improve our Earth as a whole and secondly will help clean up the mess America is making on the environment. From the very beginning I knew exactly what programs I would expand and for starters they would be the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Forest Service. All of these programs are near and dear to my heart and my family's livelihood as well. To prove that nepotism is in fact alive and kicking, the money given to the NOAA, should be applied to the Coastal Services Center facet of the organization not only in help inform Marina owners how to transition to a greener way of doing business as well as help them adjust financially with the damage done by the oil spill. To make the family connection, my grandfather owns and operates a Yacht Basin in Shalimar, FL. Ravaged not only by Hurricane Ivan, Ivan and Katrina this place has seen tough times, but none can compare to the BP oil spill. Infamous for it massive animal impact, this spill also has caused a large hit in not only the boating industry but also the tourism, fishing and housing industries as well. Having over $45,000 dollars worth of damage done in both boating but as well as physical damage the Shalimar Yacht Basin is merely a shadow of what it once was.
I know that as a college student who lacks any real life experience in the "big girl world" I can dream of these changes and negate all of the ramifications that may occur because of my ideas, however I am painfully aware of the crisis that the environment is facing currently and without changes in policy, priorities and education we are in for a hard road ahead.
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