Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Water Tastes Funny

So today in class we discussed elements not only in our everyday lives but also in industrial uses. During this discussion I could not help thinking about this youtube video I saw on one of my many stumbleupon study breaks. I have attempted to memorize this song many times, however it proves to be very difficult which makes me very sad.

The federal government regulates the amount of Zinc, Copper, Colbolt and Iron in our water. This struck me as odd that there were not more hazardous elements on this list like arsenic or lead. Now I may have many irrational fears, like getting shot in a drive by but I really feel like being slowly poisoned by my drinking water is not irrational. I may not be as well read into the subject as I should be (which will be remedied very soon) but I often wonder what else that is harmful that the government does not regulate or some thing even worse - what do they regulate knowing it is harmful? That leads me to my next academic adventure into the world of mining for natural gas.

Another Stumbleupon gem:

Barry was a chemist
But Barry is no more.
What Barry thought was H2O
Was H2SO4

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